Amine Acid Gas Removal - Beginner
Covers the toxic gasses, high pressures, temperatures, and many pieces of equipment involved in amine acid gas treating, and provides an overview of the entire amine acid gas removal process.
Course Price 500
Tartan Academy Instructions
1.0 Amine Plant Principles
1.1 Typical Plant Flowsheet
1.2 Types of Amine Plants
1.3 Alternative Amine Treatments
2.0 Amine Types
2.1 Primary Amines
2.2 Secondary Amines
2.3 Tertiary Amines
2.4 Amine Add-ons
2.5 Hybrid Solvents
2.6 Summary
3.0 Molarity
3.1 Contactor Use
3.2 Inside an Amine Contactor
3.3 H₂S Removal
4.0 Contactor Reactions and Chemistry
4.1 Regeneration Chemistry Review
5.0 Inlet Separators
5.1 Bulk Separators
5.2 Basic Separators
5.3 Separator Accessories
6.0 Equipment Overview
6.1 Contactor
6.2 Flash drum
6.3 Lean/Rich Exchanger
6.4 Regenerator and Reboiler
6.5 Surge Tank
6.6 Lean Amine Cooler
6.7 Amine Pumps
6.8 Amine Filtration
7.0 Operating Conditions
7.1 Feed Components
7.2 Loading
7.3 Circulation
7.4 Phase Envelope
7.5 Lean Amine Temperature
7.6 Temperature and Differential Pressure
7.7 Summary
8.0 Equipment Review
8.1 Flash Drum
8.2 Lean-Rich Exchanger
8.3 Regenerator
8.4 Steam
8.5 Reboiler
8.6 Condenser
8.7 Outlet Separator
8.8 Summary